13 produits trouvés
Tib et Tatoum Tome 1 : bienvenue au clan !
Grimaldi, Bannister
- Glénat BD
- Tchô !
- 9 Novembre 2011
- 9782331035654
Qui n'a jamais rêvé d'un dinosaure comme meilleur ami ?Tib est un petit garçon qui vit au sein d'un clan, pendant la Préhistoire. Son souci, c'est d'avoir une tache de naissance autour de l'oeil, ce qui lui attire constamment les moqueries des autres enfants. Alors qu'il ne l'attendait plus, il trouve le copain idéal : un dinosaure tout rouge, qu'il va appeler Tatoum. Reste à le faire cohabiter avec papa, maman et tout le clan !
Tib et Tatoum Tome 2 : mon dinosaure a du talent !
Grimaldi, Bannister
- Glénat BD
- Tchô !
- 23 Octobre 2013
- 9782331035647
Qui n'a jamais rêvé d'un dinosaure comme meilleur ami ?Tib est un petit garçon qui vit au sein d'un clan, pendant la préhistoire. Il est affublé d'une tache de naissance sur le visage, alors tous les enfants se moquent de lui. Heureusement, il a trouvé le copain idéal : un dinosaure tout rouge, Tatoum. Jusqu'à présent, les autres pensaient qu'il s'agissait d'un ami imaginaire, au grand désespoir de Tib. Mais maintenant que tout le monde sait enfin qu'il dit la vérité, est-ce vraiment une bonne chose ? Et si ses parents décidaient de les séparer, pour la sécurité de Tib ?Voici le deuxième volume des aventures touchantes et rigolotes de ce duo tendre et malicieux, dont le tome 1 s'affirme déjà comme l'un des best-sellers de Tchô! La collec... !
Tib et Tatoum Tome 3 : tout le monde sourit !
Grimaldi, Bannister
- Glénat BD
- Tchô !
- 4 Novembre 2015
- 9782331035630
Qui n'a jamais rêvé d'un dinosaure comme meilleur ami ?Tib est un petit garçon et Tatoum un dinosaure, mais ce sont les meilleurs amis du monde ! Une amitié qui ne fait pas l'unanimité... Alors que le clan refuse obstinément de voir une telle bête sauvage rôder dans les parages, Tatoum fait découvrir à Tib une caverne secrète dissimulée derrière une cascade : l'endroit idéal pour se retrouver incognito ! Pendant ce temps, la vie au clan est bien bousculée depuis que le tailleur de pierre s'en est pris une sur le coin de la tête. Pour remédier à la situation, ils décident de faire appel au meilleur artisan de la région, et quelle n'est pas leur surprise de découvrir qu'il s'agit en réalité... d'une jeune femme !Découvrez le troisième tome des aventures du duo tendre et malicieux Tib & Tatoum au temps de l'âge des cavernes ! Une nouvelle série phare de Tchô! La collec', dont une adaptation en dessin animé est actuellement en cours de production !
Tib et Tatoum Tome 4 : jamais sans mon dino !
Grimaldi, Bannister
- Glénat BD
- Tchô !
- 22 Novembre 2017
- 9782331035623
La grande séparation !C'est l'automne, Tib et Tatoum profitent des belles journées pour sauter dans les tas de feuilles mortes. Le clan a finalement accepté de tolérer la présence d'un dino dans les alentours. Tout irait pour le mieux si les parents de Tib n'avaient pas décidé de l'emmener en voyage, rendre visite à ses grands-parents maternels. Un voyage d'un mois auquel il est évidemment hors de question que Tatoum participe... Tib et Tatoum vont-ils supporter une si longue séparation ?Découvrez le nouvel album des aventures du duo tendre et malicieux Tib & Tatoum au temps de l'âge des cavernes ! Un incontournable de Tchô! La collec', en ce moment en cours d'adaptation en dessin animé, dont l'humour et la grande sensibilité rappellent les moments de douceur de Calvin & Hobbes.
Tib et Tatoum Tome 5 : on s'entend trop bien !
Grimaldi, Bannister
- Glénat BD
- Tchô !
- 13 Novembre 2019
- 9782331048241
Le duo le plus tendre de l'âge des cavernes s'offre des vacances à la mer !Tib se fait bien à son petit séjour dans le clan de sa mère, une tribu de pêcheurs qui ne voit pas d'un mauvais oeil la tache qu'il a, justement, lui, sur l'oeil. Il s'est même fait une copine du nom de Doli ! Du côté de Tatoum, ce nouvel environnement marin constitue un terrain de jeu inédit... peuplé de plein de choses délicieuses à découvrir ! Pour tout dire, les choses se passent tellement bien ici que la question va être de savoir si Tib et Tatoum vont accepter de repartir...Après être devenus les nouvelles stars du petit écran avec le dessin animé toujours diffusé sur TF1 dans TFou, Tib & Tatoum font leur grand retour en bande dessinée. Et cette fois-ci, entre batailles d'algues, compétition de bombes dans l'eau ou course de nage effrénée, le duo le plus tendre de l'âge des cavernes s'offre des vacances en bord de mer !
Bienvenue dans notre futur... ou plutôt, ce qu'il en reste.New York. Dans un monde ravagé par la surpopulation, les inégalités sociales et les désastres climatiques, Manhattan n'est plus que le fantôme outragé d'un passé prestigieux. Manipulant la colère sourde des habitants ayant depuis longtemps perdu leurs illusions, un nouvel ordre religieux, la New Cruzade, s'apprête à engager sa guerre sainte. Dans ce chaos grandissant, Leto Wolf, flic de la criminelle, et sa collègue Hana Yamashirogumi essaient de faire régner un semblant d'ordre. À la recherche d'une jeune fille non immatriculée et témoin d'un meurtre, ils sont confrontés au plus puissant consortium mondial, la Venka Corp, et à un ennemi aussi mystérieux que redoutable.Construit comme un roman policier, Exodus nous plonge dans les tréfonds d'une New York futuriste à l'abandon sous la menace du plus violent ouragan jamais enregistré. Hommage avoué à Blade Runner, la série se veut respectueuse de la grande tradition des récits d'anticipation qui, sous couvert d'un divertissement haletant, n'hésite pas à nous questionner sur les dérives de l'humanité.
Bienvenue dans notre futur... ou plutôt, ce qu'il en reste.Construit comme un roman policier, Exodus Manhattan nous plonge dans les tréfonds d'une New York futuriste à l'abandon sous la menace du plus violent ouragan jamais enregistré. Hommage avoué à Blade Runner, la série se veut respectueuse de la grande tradition des récits d'anticipation qui, sous couvert d'un divertissement haletant, n'hésite pas à nous questionner sur les dérives de l'humanité.
'Smart, brave and often very funny . . . profoundly moving' Sarah Haywood, author of The Cactus
This morning Gigi left her husband and children.
Now she's watching Real Housewives and drinking wine in a crummy hotel room, trying to work out how she got here.
When the Twin Towers collapsed, Gigi Stanislawski fled her office building and escaped lower Manhattan on the Staten Island Ferry. Among the crying, ash-covered and shoeless passengers, Gigi, unbelievably, found someone she recognised - the guy with pink socks and a British accent - from the coffee shop across from her office. Together she and Harry Harrison make their way to her parents' house where they watch the television replay the planes crashing for hours, and she waits for the phone call from her younger brother that never comes. And after Harry has shared the worst day of her life, it's time for him to leave.
Ten years later, Gigi, now a single mother consumed with bills and unfulfilled ambitions, bumps into Harry again and this time they fall deeply in love. When they move to London it feels like a chance for the happy ending she never dared to imagine. But it also highlights the differences in their class and cultures, which was something they laughed about until it wasn't funny anymore; until the traumatic birth of their baby leaves Gigi raw and desperately missing her best friends and her old life in New York.
As Gigi grieves for her brother and rages at the unspoken pain of motherhood, she realises she must somehow find a way back - not to the woman she was but to the woman she wants to be.
An unforgettable novel about love - for our partners, our children, our mothers, and ourselves - pushed to its outer limits. -
A Manual for Repertory Grid Technique
Fay Fransella, Richard Bell, Don Bannister
- Wiley
- 6 Février 2004
- 9780470090800
First published in 1977, this now classic manual has been completely revised and updated to reflect the enormous changes that have taken place both in the popularity of repertory grid methods and in the study of the methods themselves. Aimed at novices as well as those already knowledgeable about grid usage, this manual provides an overview of George Kelly's personal construct theory, which underpins repertory grid methods. The reader will learn how to design a grid, with guidance on how to choose elements and ways of eliciting personal constructs that can influence the results obtained. The second edition includes multiple examples of grids, as well as: New chapters on the main computer methods of analysis available Supporting website with grid analysis programs available to download Extended annotated bibliography of the many examples of grid usage This book will appeal to psychology students, practitioners and academics. Other professionals who will find this an invaluable guide include managers, teachers and educationalists, speech and language therapists, nurses, probation officers and psychiatrists.
Barbara Bannister, Jane Jones, Stephen Gillespie
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 21 Décembre 2009
- 9781444323931
Infection: Microbiology and Management provides a core resource for the understanding of medical microbiology and infectious diseases. Content covers microbiological and clinical diagnosis, through to clinical management, epidemiology and the control of infectious conditions as they occur both in the hospital and community setting.
With a concise, systems-based approach, the third edition has been revised and restructured and now covers wider epidemiological and public concerns. Key feature boxes, self assessment and case studies assist learning in each chapter.
Designed to be used either as a basic learning text, or as a practical textbook in the clinical setting, Infection: Microbiology and Management, previously titled Infectious Disease, will continue to appeal to students at all stages of their career, candidates for higher examinations, the general physician and surgeon, epidemiologists and experts in public health. -
Scouting and Guiding in Britain
Catherine Bannister
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 19 Novembre 2022
- 9783031103599
This book explores the prevailing role of rites of passage, ritual, and ceremony in contemporary children's lives through the lens of modern-day incarnations of uniformed youth movements. It focuses on the socialising ritual and customary practices of present-day grass-roots Scout and Guide groups, asking how Britain's largest and best-known uniformed youth organisations employ ritualised activities to express their values to their young members through language and gesture, story and song, dress, and physical artifacts. The author shows that these practices exist against a backdrop of culturally-constructed beliefs about what constitutes the `good child' and `good childhood' in twenty-first century Britain, with in-movement practices intended to help children develop positively and prepare for social life. The book draws on case study accounts of group performances, incorporating the voices of children and adults reflecting on their practices and experiences.
The Effective Measurement and Management of ICT Costs and Benefits
Dan Remenyi, Arthur Money, Frank Bannister
- Éditions Cima
- 27 Mars 2007
- 9780080488752
This is a new and extensively updated edition of one of leading and authoritive books on the subject of IT costs and benefits. Since it was first published in the early 1990s, this book has established itself as the most comprehensive and complete approach to understanding the economics of how information is used to boost the efficiency or effectiveness of companies. The ideas in this book are used extensively in business, and the book is widely adopted and recommended at leading business schools around the world.
This book will show you:
How to use cost benefits analysis or business case accounting
How to use user satisfaction surveys and value for money studies
How to integrate IT benefit delivery into IT project management
This book covers a wide spectrum of IT cost and benefit solutions, ranging from business case accounting and user satisfaction studies right through to the business processes which need to be in place in order to ensure the effective measurement and management of IT costs and benefits. This book takes you through a basic understanding of the issues involved and onto the detail of how to perform the techniques required to measure and thus mange IT costs and benefits.
The rapidly increasing level of expenditure on information technology in most organisations is one reason why IT benefits management has become an important business concern. Top management have begun to insist that much more attention be paid to the economic aspects of information systems.
put the difficulties with IT benefits behind you
measure IT benefits and manage their delivery
know what measurement tools are available for the task
New to the third edition: The evolution of thinking in ICT costs and benefits; management instinct; the chapter on Identification and Treatment of ICT costs is replaced with a more thorough treatment of the subject; the chapter on Risk Analysis is expanded by 50% with new and latest thinking on the subject; new chapters on: ICT evaluation as a political act, and the evaluation of an outsourcing contract. Extensive revisions of the material through out bring the book up-to-date with the latest thinking and evaluation techniques complete with a number of suggested websites through out the book where more information about the subject may be found.
Covers all the practical aspects of business case accounting, ranking techniques and user information system surveys in connection with the effective measurement and management of IT costs and benefits
Identifies a basic framework to help you understand the economic and financial issues of information technology investment
Gives you evaluation concepts as well as several approaches to cost and benefit measurement
Provides you with an IT Assessment Metric (ITAM) - which allows you to measure your firms progress towards obtaining maximum value from information technology procured
* Gives you a basic framework to help you understand the economic and financial issues of IT investment
* Covers all practical aspects of business case accounting, ranking techniques, user information system surveys IT costs and benefits analysis
* Provides you with an IT Assessment Metric - allows you to measure your firms progress towards obtaining maximum value from information technology procured
Elsevier Science & Technology -
When you can't get out, let kindness in.
In a non-descript building in a gentrifying corner of London, Penny is doing daily battle with her mind. She is convinced that the world beyond her door is too dangerous for her, though her heart knows it isn't. Penny's neighbour, Carla, an American expat and single mother of two teens, has lived in a coercive relationship for many years, too worn down by her controlling husband to escape her situation. Mable, Penny's upstairs neighbour, an elderly Jamaican pensioner and devout Jehovah's Witness, has sacrificed everything for her faith, including her relationship with her family. And Woman, the housekeeper and nanny on the second floor, has been trafficked. When she is not cleaning and cooking, she works in the laundrette the landlord owns on the ground floor, a hidden slave in full view of the public.
Through grocery deliveries, glimpses through windows, and overheard conversations in the stairwell, the women come to know each other. Their small acts of compassion help them each find a way to mend the broken paths in their lives.